Endoscopic and Beam Parallel to the Early Diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer

Author Details

Shaposhnikov Veniamin Ivanovich

Journal Details


Published: 5 March 2019 | Article Type :


The comparative analysis of x-ray and endoscopic diagnosis of early stages of cancer of the esophagus. Stresses that the manifestation of this disease starts with the appearance of symptoms in patients, which they have not paid due attention is salivation and impotence. If at that time immediately conducted an x-ray study, by the nature of the deformation of the lumen of the esophagus, or installed a diagnosis or cause any speculation about the presence of cancer, and esophagoscopy conducted only for biopsy-for histological diagnostic confirmation. If the first produced jezofagoskopiju, Visual changes in the mucosa was not found-the tumor was small and was in the thick of the mucous membrane. And then, to prevent error diagnostic conducted parallel x-ray examination and by characteristic symptoms (rigidnoe narrowing clearance, local thickening of the wall and the cliff of Peristaltic waves) establish the diagnosis. The author stresses the importance of cancer awareness in identifying early stages of cancer of the esophagus.

The Purpose of the Study: Reflect the importance of the parallel application of ray-tracing method of esophagus after ezofagoskopia, if the tumor is not detected, and early clinical symptoms of cancer of the body available.

Keywords: esophagus cancer, parallel, radial, visual, early diagnosis.

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How to Cite


Shaposhnikov Veniamin Ivanovich. (2019-03-05). "Endoscopic and Beam Parallel to the Early Diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer." *Volume 2*, 1, 3-5